Quick relief from stress


Contributed by Beatrice Rabkin. Bsc. Nutritional Medicine; Dip Pharmacy



You may not be able to change your life but you CAN change your response!


These “tension tamers” turn off the alarm response and turn on the relaxation response:


Breathe from your Belly:

Sit in a comfortable position, take a few deep breaths by expanding the belly. Releasing physical tension and increasing oxygen intake. As you breath say to yourself SOFT BELLY – and as you say it, feel your stomach soften. Try to picture yourself in somewhere beautiful and peaceful – e.g. picture the crashing of waves on the beach.


Take a short walk:

Change your scenery, change your perspective – indoors or outdoors. Get the blood circulating and “blow off” steam.


Spring into Action:

A short burst of exercise (run up the stairs, push ups or abdominal crunches or simple stretching) This delivers increased oxygen to the brain and distracts from stress and gives a fresh perspective.


Listen to Music:

Soft music helps relax tense muscles – upbeat music lifts your mood and keeps you energised.


Dance or Sing

Start moving to your favourite tunes – bursting into song or a silly dance can transport you into a stress-free zone.


Take a Mental break:

Steal a few minutes of peace to gaze out your window or visualise yourself in your favourite place (in the garden or on the beach) or being with your favourite people. This renews the spirit and breaks the stress.



Maintain a sense of humour – download a laugh track, read cartoons and jokes or watch a comedy. There is often comedy on at the Baxter or other theatres.


Write in your Journal:

This clarifies your thoughts and feelings for increased self knowledge. Helps to refocus and get perspective, allows you to reflect and may help you cope better next time.


Take a Power Nap:

Mid-day sleep gives you more patience, better reaction time, increased learning, more efficiency and better health.  Just 5 minutes relax and close your eyes.


Smell the roses:

Have roses, lavender or rosemary  in your home and work, eg. a pot of lavender in a sunny spot.