Lifestyle Changes
Dear Reader,
William here, I want to tell you John Pepper's story as he related it to me. John's story is a story of passion and excitement that I want to share with everyone, especially those that suffer from Parkinson's disease.
In 2002, John wrote his first book – “There IS LIFE After Parkinson’s Disease” - but doctors complained that the title claimed that his Parkinson's disease was now in the past, and he was therefore cured, even though he says he is not cured – so he changed the name of the second edition to - “There IS LIFE After Being Diagnosed With Parkinson’s Disease”.
In his book, he claimed that:
“Nobody would ever know he still has Parkinson’s Disease”.
To put this claim to the test, John consulted another eminent neurologist, who said that:
“You do not have Parkinson’s Disease. There is no cure for Parkinson's disease, therefore you never had Parkinson's disease”
This neurologist did not carry out a proper clinical test on John. He mainly based his opinion on John’s outward appearance, which certainly did not look as if he had ever had Parkinson's disease. But, as he states quite clearly in his book, he still has many of the symptoms of Parkinson's disease, but because he has been able to overcome most of the movement problems, he is now able to live a perfectly normal life, providing he maintains his new life style regimen.
After selling 700 books, without any advertising, other than by word of mouth, he decided to change the name of his book to – “Reverse Parkinson’s Disease” – because of the success his story has had with patients, who have read his book and taken the bold steps he has recommended, in order to change their life style.
Why not find out what those lifestyle changes are?
All of John’s recommendations are common-sense solutions to general health problems, and cannot do any harm to anyone, unless their doctors have advised them not to do any meaningful exercise.
If John’s recommendations are all common sense, then why don’t more doctors recommend that Parkinson's disease patients take his advice?
That is a good question!
Do any of John’s recommendations get used for the treatment of other health problems?
Yes! They do!
Speech Therapists use some of these solutions and Cardiologists use others, to treat people with heart problems! Business people use other solutions to improve their business skills!
Why don’t Neurologists routinely recommend these solutions to
their Parkinson's disease patients?
The only answer John can come up with, as a layman, is that only a Parkinson's disease patient knows what he/she is capable of doing.
Parkinson's disease is a movement disorder, and part of his regimen involves strenuous exercise, and who would think that that would be a possible solution?
What type of strenuous exercise is John recommending?
You will have to read his book to find out how he came to the conclusion that walking was the single best exercise to do for Pd. He also does other exercises for strengthening his core muscles, but the answer to this question has to be put into a routine that most Parkinson's disease patients will be able to follow, without injuring themselves.
John has been there! He knows what is possible for a dedicated
‘Couch Potato’ like him to do!
John also knows that unless the Neurologist insists on his patient carrying out these life style changes, or the patient knows for certain that other patients have successfully done it, then the patient will never commit to this routine. It is much easier to take pills and accept what the future has to offer!
Why does John not claim to be cured?
Because he is not cured! If he stops his routine, due to other health problems, of which he has several, then his Parkinson's disease starts to deteriorate again. If ever he stops exercising, or whenever he got clever and stopped taking his medication, during those ten years after being diagnosed, then his condition got appreciably worse.
Why does John no longer take
any Parkinson's disease medication?
John’s Parkinson's disease is at the stage where medication is no longer needed, providing that he continues with his new lifestyle regimen.
Thank you for reading this story,
William Ainslie (John's Personal Trainer)